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There’s a major agism problem in our world today, but time and time again, that notion is challenged. Introducing: The Inspiring Seniors Series. Stories from 32 individuals ages 60+ showing how aging can be the start of something incredible. #InspiringSeniors

As American Heart Month comes to a close, it's important to take a moment to understand what happens when your heart stops working properly. Heart failure is the #1 cause of death in the U.S., but most times, it's preventable.

Not enough people have life insurance, and many think it’s more expensive than it really is. But what’s more important than the cost is the why. Why do you want life insurance? Why do you need life insurance?

There are 5 potential things you can do when your insurance agent retires.

If you’re in your early 60s or are turning 65 soon, it’s time to prepare for Medicare. Not sure where to begin? Watch this short introduction to Medicare to get started.