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At the age of 65, Anne is working on growing her rebranded plus-sized apparel company, JunoActive – and she’s just started up a hobby goat farm. And at the age of 63, Gary Nosacek is traveling all over the world doing extraordinary things – including being welcomed into a circus family. Yes, a circus family.

Have you ever felt like your best was yet to come? That’s exactly how today’s guest, Rebecca Klemm felt as she wrote her first musical at age 60. And Suzy Honigman, age 75, is as active as she’s ever been.

“The biggest surprise to me is the way I feel about myself. I’m more myself than I ever have been. It’s not so much that I worry about what other people think, but I’m just so ‘me.’ If I look back at the younger me and said ‘just be you for God’s sakes’...”

Robert acknowledges that our society is full of agism, but he’s constantly going against the norm. “At 60, I’m more fit than most men half my age.”

“I was scared to death of retirement,” says Leonard. “I had to talk to retired friends just to get up the nerve to pull the plug. They basically said I have nothing to worry about. There’s all sorts of things lined up to keep life interesting."