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For many individuals in their 60s, they really want long-term care insurance, but it’s just too late. If that might be you, there are some alternatives to long-term care insurance that you could still be approved for.

The lifetime probability of any of us getting cancer is 1 in 3 (almost 40% for men and 38% for women). Odds are you know someone who has suffered from cancer, and not only is cancer hard on our bodies, but it’s hard on our finances.

To help you decide if Medicare Supplements are worth it, we decided to come up with an example of an all-too-common scenario: a heart attack.

The Medicare deductible is based on each calendar year, meaning that it lasts from January 1-December 31, and then it resets for the new year. There is a way to avoid paying Medicare deductibles, which is to have a Medicare Supplement – also called a Medigap plan.

When Does Medicare Start?
August 15, 2018

Your Medicare coverage officially starts on the first day of the month you turn 65. There is some preparation to do before you turn 65, though.