When we say “Original Medicare,” we’re only referring to Medicare Parts A and B. Together, Medicare Parts A and B provide your hospital and medical insurance.
If you’re over 60 and are trying to lose weight, you may have heard of the ketogenic diet, or keto diet for short. So, what is the keto diet? And is it safe, particularly for seniors over 60 who want to lose weight for good?
If you’re ready to sign up for Medicare Part B, you’re probably blocking off an entire day to go to the Social Security office. And you’re not wrong – wait times at the Social Security office are pretty bad. But we have great news! You don’t actually need to go to the Social Security office to sign up for Medicare Part B.
The death benefit from a final expense policy can be used for any of your final costs, from your funeral to probate to credit card debt to end-of-life medical bills.
Yes, Plan F will no longer be available to newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries starting in 2020. However, it's still available to everyone else – that's over 60 million people! What does that mean for the future of Plan F? Find out here.